Time for Data Farming updates. DF week 5 has now concluded‍.

07 Oct 2022, 14:32
Time for Data Farming updates!👀 DF week 5 has now concluded🚜👩‍🌾 💰10K OCEAN worth of rewards were available for this round and all the LPs can claim their rewards 👀🌊 Let's see how you can do it!👇 ✅Visit the DF webapp Claim Portal at ✅Connect your Wallet ✅For each network where you staked: select network, click “Claim”, sign the TX, get rewards 👩‍🌾Rewards will accumulate over weeks so you can claim rewards at your leisure. If you claim weekly, you can re-stake your rewards for compound gains. The counting for DF6 begins this week and ends October 13th @ 12:01 AM UTC. Catalyzed by recent events, veOCEAN effectively replaces pools as the DF staking mechanism. Want to find out more about the current status of rewards? All the details here: