Inside Ocean Protocol is a grants program, called Shipyard.

24 May 2023, 17:53
Inside Ocean Protocol is a grants program, called Shipyard. Shipyard is driven by a thesis to help empower web3 entrepreneurs build on Ocean Protocol open source technology. 🧠 @Brainstemhealth has completed a Shipyard Grant milestone: Peer to Peer health data sharing. The vision for the company is to contribute to health democratization and sharing of data. 🫁Brainstem Health helps this and offers a suite of data sharing capabilities: one to one many to one many to many The product offering is a wearable health technology. This contends and competes with the fitbit, apple watch and legacy smart watches of the world. Innovative & data driven projects are encouraged to apply to Shipyard. To apply, visit to consider building technology that favors individuals, instead of talking head corporations. Visit to explore the full capability of wearable health technology 📲