Coins/Ocean Protocol

Ocean Protocol

Ocean Protocol is an artificial intelligence protocol and network designed to help trading platforms sell data and services, software and tools for data analysis. The protocol has the ability to provide network rewards to stimulate supplies and services.

News about Ocean Protocol

Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
07 Nov 2023, 13:03
Kick back, relax, and tune in to another... Ocean Ecosystem Lounge tomorrow! πŸ₯³ Learn about Ocean Uploader streamlining your data asset hosting flows online! ⏰ 4 PM UTC | 5 PM CET | 11 AM ET | 8 AM PDT
Kick back, relax, and tune in to another. Ocean Ecosystem Lounge tomorrow.
Kick back, relax, and tune in to another... Ocean Ecosystem Lounge tomorrow! πŸ₯³ Learn about Ocean Uploader streamlining your data asset hosting flows online! ⏰ 4 PM UTC | 5 PM CET | 11 AM ET | 8 AM PDT
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
07 Nov 2023, 11:02
Ocean #DataChallenge competitors: Did you know that our leaderboard is updated after each challenge? πŸ†πŸ€“ πŸ”— Check out our site at Or look below to see the current standings! 😎
Ocean #DataChallenge competitors:. Did you know that our leaderboard is updated after each challenge. Check out our site at.
Ocean #DataChallenge competitors: Did you know that our leaderboard is updated after each challenge? πŸ†πŸ€“ πŸ”— Check out our site at Or look below to see the current standings! 😎
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
07 Nov 2023, 09:01
Join us this Thursday for the launch of Predictoor Data Farming! 🀠πŸ₯•πŸ₯¬ We're greatly boosting rewards for Predictoors that are contributing accurate #AI predictive feeds with stakes. πŸš€πŸ€‘ Wanna join? πŸ˜ƒ Onboard here: With support from @OasisProtocol πŸ’™
Join us this Thursday for the launch of Predictoor Data Farming.
Join us this Thursday for the launch of Predictoor Data Farming! 🀠πŸ₯•πŸ₯¬ We're greatly boosting rewards for Predictoors that are contributing accurate #AI predictive feeds with stakes. πŸš€πŸ€‘ Wanna join? πŸ˜ƒ Onboard here: With support from @OasisProtocol πŸ’™
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
07 Nov 2023, 07:01
Gm. Dreamy autumn vibe πŸ‚πŸ
Dreamy autumn vibe.
Gm. Dreamy autumn vibe πŸ‚πŸ
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
06 Nov 2023, 16:19
Great news from @oceanprotocol hereπŸ”₯ Predictoor Data Farming will start Nov 9, 2023 - 150,000 OCEAN weekly rewards pool to #incentivize participants. In this thread i will explain what is that and how you can #Earn some $OCEAN 1/13 #Rewards
Great news from @oceanprotocol here. Predictoor Data Farming will start Nov 9, 2023.
Great news from @oceanprotocol hereπŸ”₯ Predictoor Data Farming will start Nov 9, 2023 - 150,000 OCEAN weekly rewards pool to #incentivize participants. In this thread i will explain what is that and how you can #Earn some $OCEAN 1/13 #Rewards
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
06 Nov 2023, 13:03
Congratulations to our Kenya #DataChallenge winners! Nicolas Landry πŸ₯‡, Andrey Bessalov πŸ₯ˆ, & Mint πŸ₯‰ made forecasts of vegetation & climate health for farmers in Marsabit, Kenya to improve their crop yields. πŸ₯•πŸ₯¬ Read here:
Congratulations to our Kenya #DataChallenge winners.
Congratulations to our Kenya #DataChallenge winners! Nicolas Landry πŸ₯‡, Andrey Bessalov πŸ₯ˆ, & Mint πŸ₯‰ made forecasts of vegetation & climate health for farmers in Marsabit, Kenya to improve their crop yields. πŸ₯•πŸ₯¬ Read here:
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
06 Nov 2023, 11:02
Discover insights about @CurveFinance in our latest #DataChallenge to win from a $5000 USDC prize pool πŸ’° Use #AI & #ML methods like a #DataScience pro to analyze Curve data & report on your findings. Enter here πŸ”—
Discover insights about @CurveFinance in our latest #DataChallenge to win from a $5000 USDC prize pool.
Discover insights about @CurveFinance in our latest #DataChallenge to win from a $5000 USDC prize pool πŸ’° Use #AI & #ML methods like a #DataScience pro to analyze Curve data & report on your findings. Enter here πŸ”—
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
06 Nov 2023, 09:02
Earn more money with your #AI skills πŸ€–πŸ’° Predictoor Data Farming launches on Nov 9 amplifying the rewards for predictoors’ earnings based on their accuracy and stake 😎 Contribute your AI predictive feeds today for a slice of the action! With support from @OasisProtocol πŸ’™
Earn more money with your #AI skills.
Earn more money with your #AI skills πŸ€–πŸ’° Predictoor Data Farming launches on Nov 9 amplifying the rewards for predictoors’ earnings based on their accuracy and stake 😎 Contribute your AI predictive feeds today for a slice of the action! With support from @OasisProtocol πŸ’™
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
06 Nov 2023, 07:01
Gm. Waking up to the ocean
Waking up to the ocean.
Gm. Waking up to the ocean
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
03 Nov 2023, 11:02
This week, in sum... 🌊 We released a new #DataChallenge featuring @CurveFinance data & a 5000 USDC prize pool πŸ₯³ 🌊 We published a rad Intelligent Tides #podcast ep on our Youtube channel feat. @NewOrderDAO 's @RegularMarek πŸ€™ 🌊 We hosted a fun #AI & #ML Predictoor workshop!
This week, in sum. We released a new #DataChallenge featuring @CurveFinance data & a 5000 USDC prize pool.
This week, in sum... 🌊 We released a new #DataChallenge featuring @CurveFinance data & a 5000 USDC prize pool πŸ₯³ 🌊 We published a rad Intelligent Tides #podcast ep on our Youtube channel feat. @NewOrderDAO 's @RegularMarek πŸ€™ 🌊 We hosted a fun #AI & #ML Predictoor workshop!
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
03 Nov 2023, 09:02
Psst! Big things are coming next week for Ocean Predictoor... 🀫 Be on the lookout for more deets incoming! Happy almost weekend, everybody πŸ˜‰ Check it out at:
Big things are coming next week for Ocean Predictoor. Be on the lookout for more deets incoming.
Psst! Big things are coming next week for Ocean Predictoor... 🀫 Be on the lookout for more deets incoming! Happy almost weekend, everybody πŸ˜‰ Check it out at:
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
03 Nov 2023, 07:01
Gm. Sup πŸ™‚
twitter news 03 November 2023 07:01
Gm. Sup πŸ™‚
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
02 Nov 2023, 20:10
Happy Thursday, data farmers! 🀠 Don't forget to harvest your weekly #DataFarming $OCEAN rewards on our #dapp at Data Farming incentivizes the publishing of high-quality data into the Ocean Protocol ecosystem. Read on, anon:
Happy Thursday, data farmers. Don't forget to harvest your weekly #DataFarming $OCEAN rewards on our #dapp at.
Happy Thursday, data farmers! 🀠 Don't forget to harvest your weekly #DataFarming $OCEAN rewards on our #dapp at Data Farming incentivizes the publishing of high-quality data into the Ocean Protocol ecosystem. Read on, anon:
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
02 Nov 2023, 09:02
#DeFi & #DataScience degens! New Ocean #DataChallenge incoming: Evaluate @CurveFinance like a pro using AI/ML to win from a $5000 USDC prize pool! Research and answer interesting questions about Curve with your data-driven insights. Enter here πŸ‘‰
#DeFi & #DataScience degens. New Ocean #DataChallenge incoming:.
#DeFi & #DataScience degens! New Ocean #DataChallenge incoming: Evaluate @CurveFinance like a pro using AI/ML to win from a $5000 USDC prize pool! Research and answer interesting questions about Curve with your data-driven insights. Enter here πŸ‘‰
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
01 Nov 2023, 07:01
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
31 Oct 2023, 16:12
We will talk about one of the products of @oceanprotocol , namely the Ocean Predictoor. #dApp where you can earn some $ocean πŸ”₯ In this thread, you will know how to run Predictoor Bot. I am use the MobaXTerm terminal and a rented VPS server with the UBUNTU OS. 1/24
We will talk about one of the products of @oceanprotocol , namely the Ocean Predictoor. #dApp where you can earn some $ocean.
We will talk about one of the products of @oceanprotocol , namely the Ocean Predictoor. #dApp where you can earn some $ocean πŸ”₯ In this thread, you will know how to run Predictoor Bot. I am use the MobaXTerm terminal and a rented VPS server with the UBUNTU OS. 1/24
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
31 Oct 2023, 15:03
Drumroll please πŸ₯... Applications are now open for the Token Engineering Grants Round in @gitcoin #GG19! ❇️ Brought to you by the @tecmns and @oceanprotocol ❇️ Apply by Nov 8th for a guaranteed review before GG19 kicks off:
Drumroll please . Applications are now open for the Token Engineering Grants Round in @gitcoin #GG19.
Drumroll please πŸ₯... Applications are now open for the Token Engineering Grants Round in @gitcoin #GG19! ❇️ Brought to you by the @tecmns and @oceanprotocol ❇️ Apply by Nov 8th for a guaranteed review before GG19 kicks off:
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
31 Oct 2023, 11:02
Is #AI on your mind more these days? πŸ’‘ You're not the only one! @neworderDAO 's @RegularMarek makes some great points about #artificialintelligence, #DeSci, and #DeFi in our latest episode of Intelligent Tides 🍿
Is #AI on your mind more these days. You're not the only one.
Is #AI on your mind more these days? πŸ’‘ You're not the only one! @neworderDAO 's @RegularMarek makes some great points about #artificialintelligence, #DeSci, and #DeFi in our latest episode of Intelligent Tides 🍿
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
31 Oct 2023, 09:02
Have you ever thought about using #AI... To help you make more money? Ocean Predictoor brings you *accurate & accountable* crypto price predictions! Learn how it works during our workshop TOMORROW @ 3 PM UTC with Ocean's @trentmc0 ! Join us on Zoom πŸ‘‰ Meeting ID: 899 1391 0217
Have you ever thought about using #AI. To help you make more money.
Have you ever thought about using #AI... To help you make more money? Ocean Predictoor brings you *accurate & accountable* crypto price predictions! Learn how it works during our workshop TOMORROW @ 3 PM UTC with Ocean's @trentmc0 ! Join us on Zoom πŸ‘‰ Meeting ID: 899 1391 0217
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
31 Oct 2023, 07:01
Happy Halloween πŸŽƒ β˜€οΈ
Happy Halloween.
Happy Halloween πŸŽƒ β˜€οΈ
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
30 Oct 2023, 11:02
Get those #DataScience reports in, competitors! The deadline for our sports car #DataChallenge 🏎️ 🏁 is tomorrow βŒ› Use #MachineLearning & data science to analyze @DougDeMuro 's data & win from a prize pool of $5000 USDC πŸ† Enter πŸ‘‰
Get those #DataScience reports in, competitors. The deadline for our sports car #DataChallenge is tomorrow.
Get those #DataScience reports in, competitors! The deadline for our sports car #DataChallenge 🏎️ 🏁 is tomorrow βŒ› Use #MachineLearning & data science to analyze @DougDeMuro 's data & win from a prize pool of $5000 USDC πŸ† Enter πŸ‘‰
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
30 Oct 2023, 09:01
Make more money forecasting crypto prices with #AI πŸ’° How? Join our Ocean Predictoor workshop this Wednesday @ 3PM UTC to find out! Hosted by Ocean's @trentmc0 showing you how to get the trading alpha! Join on Zoom πŸ‘‰ Meeting ID: 899 1391 0217
Make more money forecasting crypto prices with #AI. Join our Ocean Predictoor workshop this Wednesday @ 3PM UTC to find out.
Make more money forecasting crypto prices with #AI πŸ’° How? Join our Ocean Predictoor workshop this Wednesday @ 3PM UTC to find out! Hosted by Ocean's @trentmc0 showing you how to get the trading alpha! Join on Zoom πŸ‘‰ Meeting ID: 899 1391 0217
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
30 Oct 2023, 07:01
Gm. #AI art is pretty awesome πŸ˜‰
#AI art is pretty awesome.
Gm. #AI art is pretty awesome πŸ˜‰
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
28 Oct 2023, 13:01
Gm @ethmiami ! Who here is ready to code today? πŸ§ πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» We're giving away prizes for devs that create the best Predictoor predictive #AI models or #dapps using Ocean Protocol tech! πŸš€ Chat with us on Discord if you want any help! πŸ§‘β€πŸ« πŸ‘Ύ #Buidl #Web3
Gm @ethmiami . Who here is ready to code today.
Gm @ethmiami ! Who here is ready to code today? πŸ§ πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» We're giving away prizes for devs that create the best Predictoor predictive #AI models or #dapps using Ocean Protocol tech! πŸš€ Chat with us on Discord if you want any help! πŸ§‘β€πŸ« πŸ‘Ύ #Buidl #Web3
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
28 Oct 2023, 06:00
πŸ“Š Deadline Extended: Oct 31st! πŸ“Š Good news! The deadline for our sports car #DataChallenge 🏎️ 🏁 is now extended until October 31st. Use #DatatScience to analyze @DougDeMuro 's data & win! No rushβ€”just more time for you to bring your A-game. Enter πŸ‘‰
Deadline Extended: Oct 31st. Good news. The deadline for our sports car #DataChallenge is now extended until October 31st.
πŸ“Š Deadline Extended: Oct 31st! πŸ“Š Good news! The deadline for our sports car #DataChallenge 🏎️ 🏁 is now extended until October 31st. Use #DatatScience to analyze @DougDeMuro 's data & win! No rushβ€”just more time for you to bring your A-game. Enter πŸ‘‰
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
27 Oct 2023, 10:02
This week, in sum... 🌊 We announced our Ocean Uploader code enhancement! πŸ₯³ 🌊 We held an Ecosystem Lounge about how to get started with Ocean Templates! πŸ§‘β€πŸ« 🌊 We're in the Sunshine State @ethmiami today through Sunday! πŸ–οΈ
This week, in sum. We announced our Ocean Uploader code enhancement.
This week, in sum... 🌊 We announced our Ocean Uploader code enhancement! πŸ₯³ 🌊 We held an Ecosystem Lounge about how to get started with Ocean Templates! πŸ§‘β€πŸ« 🌊 We're in the Sunshine State @ethmiami today through Sunday! πŸ–οΈ
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
27 Oct 2023, 08:02
Use AI to make more money πŸ’° How? Predictoor's #AI crypto price predictions give you the edge you need to make better crypto trading decisions. Learn how to get started in our Wednesday workshop @ 3PM UTC with/ Ocean's @trentmc0 ! Join on Zoom πŸ‘‰ Meeting ID: 899 1391 0217
Use AI to make more money.
Use AI to make more money πŸ’° How? Predictoor's #AI crypto price predictions give you the edge you need to make better crypto trading decisions. Learn how to get started in our Wednesday workshop @ 3PM UTC with/ Ocean's @trentmc0 ! Join on Zoom πŸ‘‰ Meeting ID: 899 1391 0217
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
27 Oct 2023, 06:01
Gm. That Friday vibe. πŸ€™ Keep #Web3 degenerate!
That Friday vibe. Keep #Web3 degenerate.
Gm. That Friday vibe. πŸ€™ Keep #Web3 degenerate!
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
27 Oct 2023, 01:27
Ding dong! πŸ”” It's time to harvest your #DataFarming $OCEAN rewards! Claim on the #dapp πŸ‘‰ Data Farming incentivizes the publishing of high-quality data into the Ocean Protocol ecosystem. Read on, anon:
Ding dong. It's time to harvest your #DataFarming $OCEAN rewards. Claim on the #dapp.
Ding dong! πŸ”” It's time to harvest your #DataFarming $OCEAN rewards! Claim on the #dapp πŸ‘‰ Data Farming incentivizes the publishing of high-quality data into the Ocean Protocol ecosystem. Read on, anon:
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
24 Oct 2023, 10:01
Let's chill... virtually, bro 😎 We're having an Ocean Ecosystem Lounge tomorrow! Learn about our Templates that can be forked by devs to build their next great #Dapp! πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»πŸ–₯οΈπŸ€– ⏰ 3 PM UTC | 5 PM CEST | 11 AM EST | 8 AM CEST
Let's chill. virtually, bro. We're having an Ocean Ecosystem Lounge tomorrow.
Let's chill... virtually, bro 😎 We're having an Ocean Ecosystem Lounge tomorrow! Learn about our Templates that can be forked by devs to build their next great #Dapp! πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»πŸ–₯οΈπŸ€– ⏰ 3 PM UTC | 5 PM CEST | 11 AM EST | 8 AM CEST
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
24 Oct 2023, 08:02
Zoom, zoom... Beep, beep! 🀩 Join our latest #DataChallenge to win from a $5000 USDC prize pool by analyzing sports car performance using data from the legendary @DougDeMuro 🏎️ Now until Oct 29th! 🏁 Enter here:
Zoom, zoom. Beep, beep.
Zoom, zoom... Beep, beep! 🀩 Join our latest #DataChallenge to win from a $5000 USDC prize pool by analyzing sports car performance using data from the legendary @DougDeMuro 🏎️ Now until Oct 29th! 🏁 Enter here:
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
24 Oct 2023, 06:01
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
23 Oct 2023, 10:02
You could call it "artificial"... but the insights are real. We're talking about #artificialintelligence predictions. Learn fresh ideas about #AI & "Sovereign" General Intelligence in Ocean's @trentmc0 talk at #smartcon2023 by @chainlink πŸŽ₯ πŸ”—
You could call it "artificial". but the insights are real. We're talking about #artificialintelligence predictions.
You could call it "artificial"... but the insights are real. We're talking about #artificialintelligence predictions. Learn fresh ideas about #AI & "Sovereign" General Intelligence in Ocean's @trentmc0 talk at #smartcon2023 by @chainlink πŸŽ₯ πŸ”—
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
23 Oct 2023, 06:26
Gone are the days... Of annoying publishing flows for hosting your data assets online! Meet Ocean Uploader: our effortless solution for you to upload data to decentralized storage platforms like @ArweaveEco - powered by @irys_xyz tech. πŸ“°Read on:
Gone are the days. Of annoying publishing flows for hosting your data assets online.
Gone are the days... Of annoying publishing flows for hosting your data assets online! Meet Ocean Uploader: our effortless solution for you to upload data to decentralized storage platforms like @ArweaveEco - powered by @irys_xyz tech. πŸ“°Read on:
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
23 Oct 2023, 06:01
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
21 Oct 2023, 10:19
πŸ€–πŸ’‘ Ocean A groundbreaking product from @oceanprotocol , revolutionizing how we view and utilize data. $OCEAN #newdataeconomy It's a decentralized application that's changing the way we view predictions across multiple sectors. #OceanPredictoor
Ocean A groundbreaking product from @oceanprotocol , revolutionizing how we view and utilize data. $OCEAN #newdataeconomy.
πŸ€–πŸ’‘ Ocean A groundbreaking product from @oceanprotocol , revolutionizing how we view and utilize data. $OCEAN #newdataeconomy It's a decentralized application that's changing the way we view predictions across multiple sectors. #OceanPredictoor
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
20 Oct 2023, 10:01
This week, in sum... 🌊 We hosted another epic Predictoor workshop! ICYMI you can watch it on our Youtube channel 🍿 🌊 We participated in an X Space dropping knowledge about de-risking strategies in #DeFi 🌊 We announced a new 2-tier rewards system for our @op_ambassadors
This week, in sum. We hosted another epic Predictoor workshop. ICYMI you can watch it on our Youtube channel.
This week, in sum... 🌊 We hosted another epic Predictoor workshop! ICYMI you can watch it on our Youtube channel 🍿 🌊 We participated in an X Space dropping knowledge about de-risking strategies in #DeFi 🌊 We announced a new 2-tier rewards system for our @op_ambassadors
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
20 Oct 2023, 08:02
🏎️🌬️ + πŸ€– = πŸ’° That's right! You can win from a $5000 USDC prize pool by flexing those big #DataScience & #AI brains you have in our latest #DataChallenge Use β€˜DougScore’ data from the famous @DougDeMuro to analyze sports car performance like a boss 😎
That's right.
🏎️🌬️ + πŸ€– = πŸ’° That's right! You can win from a $5000 USDC prize pool by flexing those big #DataScience & #AI brains you have in our latest #DataChallenge Use β€˜DougScore’ data from the famous @DougDeMuro to analyze sports car performance like a boss 😎
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
20 Oct 2023, 06:00
Gm. Rockin' into Friday like πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ€πŸŽΈπŸŽΆ
Rockin' into Friday like ‍.
Gm. Rockin' into Friday like πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ€πŸŽΈπŸŽΆ
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
19 Oct 2023, 17:05
Howdy, data farmers! 🀠πŸ₯• It's Thursday, so you can now claim your $OCEAN #DataFarming rewards at πŸ–±οΈπŸ§‘β€πŸ’» DF incentivizes the publishing high quality data assets into the Ocean ecosystem. Learn how to contribute + earn πŸ‘‡
Howdy, data farmers. It's Thursday, so you can now claim your $OCEAN #DataFarming rewards at ‍.
Howdy, data farmers! 🀠πŸ₯• It's Thursday, so you can now claim your $OCEAN #DataFarming rewards at πŸ–±οΈπŸ§‘β€πŸ’» DF incentivizes the publishing high quality data assets into the Ocean ecosystem. Learn how to contribute + earn πŸ‘‡
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
19 Oct 2023, 12:02
"Make more money!" πŸ’° Does that sound difficult for you to do? It doesn't have to. Here's why: #AI can help you predict crypto price movements more accurately, & Ocean Predictoor aggregates predictive feeds for you! Trade crypto more profitably. Go to
"Make more money. Does that sound difficult for you to do. It doesn't have to. Here's why:.
"Make more money!" πŸ’° Does that sound difficult for you to do? It doesn't have to. Here's why: #AI can help you predict crypto price movements more accurately, & Ocean Predictoor aggregates predictive feeds for you! Trade crypto more profitably. Go to
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
19 Oct 2023, 06:00
Gm. Make things happen today. πŸ’»β˜€οΈ
Make things happen today.
Gm. Make things happen today. πŸ’»β˜€οΈ
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
18 Oct 2023, 10:01
Are you thinking about managing your #DeFi risk? Learn about de-risking strategies tomorrow @ 4PM CEST | 10AM EST with Ocean's @Scavuzzzo33 @traders_guild @ConvergenceRfq @volmexfinance @switchboardxyz Join here: /i/spaces/1MnxnMRdPadJO?s=20
Are you thinking about managing your #DeFi risk.
Are you thinking about managing your #DeFi risk? Learn about de-risking strategies tomorrow @ 4PM CEST | 10AM EST with Ocean's @Scavuzzzo33 @traders_guild @ConvergenceRfq @volmexfinance @switchboardxyz Join here: /i/spaces/1MnxnMRdPadJO?s=20
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
18 Oct 2023, 06:00
Gm. Wake up. Nosh. Get the day started right. 😌
Wake up. Nosh. Get the day started right.
Gm. Wake up. Nosh. Get the day started right. 😌
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
17 Oct 2023, 10:00
Curious about managing risk in #DeFi? πŸ§ πŸ’­ Tune into a fun & informative X Space with @traders_guild hosted by @ConvergenceRfq feat. Ocean's @Scavuzzzo33 & @volmexfinance , & @switchboardxyz ! πŸ—“οΈ October 19th at 10:00am US Eastern Time JOIN HERE: /i/spaces/1MnxnMRdPadJO?s=20
Curious about managing risk in #DeFi. Tune into a fun & informative X Space with @traders_guild hosted by @ConvergenceRfq feat.
Curious about managing risk in #DeFi? πŸ§ πŸ’­ Tune into a fun & informative X Space with @traders_guild hosted by @ConvergenceRfq feat. Ocean's @Scavuzzzo33 & @volmexfinance , & @switchboardxyz ! πŸ—“οΈ October 19th at 10:00am US Eastern Time JOIN HERE: /i/spaces/1MnxnMRdPadJO?s=20
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
17 Oct 2023, 06:00
Gm. Code & chill mood. πŸ’»+β˜•οΈ
Code & chill mood.
Gm. Code & chill mood. πŸ’»+β˜•οΈ
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
16 Oct 2023, 12:06
Fun things for our Ocean Ambassadors! 🦸🌊 New 2-tier rewards for your best weekly X threads! πŸ”Ή Top 3 threads: With the highest impressions πŸ“ˆ will receive a $100 Base Reward πŸ’΅ πŸ”Έ Plus: a $100 Bonus Reward 🌟 given to the best thread πŸ† as voted by the Ocean community πŸ‘₯
Fun things for our Ocean Ambassadors. New 2-tier rewards for your best weekly X threads.
Fun things for our Ocean Ambassadors! 🦸🌊 New 2-tier rewards for your best weekly X threads! πŸ”Ή Top 3 threads: With the highest impressions πŸ“ˆ will receive a $100 Base Reward πŸ’΅ πŸ”Έ Plus: a $100 Bonus Reward 🌟 given to the best thread πŸ† as voted by the Ocean community πŸ‘₯
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
16 Oct 2023, 10:00
Ready, set, go! 🏎️🌬️ Win from a $5000 $USDC prize pool πŸ† By evaluating sports car performance using #DataScience & #AI in our latest #DataChallenge! Analyze & report sports car trends using β€˜DougScore’ data from the famous @DougDeMuro . Enter πŸ‘‰
Ready, set, go. Win from a $5000 $USDC prize pool.
Ready, set, go! 🏎️🌬️ Win from a $5000 $USDC prize pool πŸ† By evaluating sports car performance using #DataScience & #AI in our latest #DataChallenge! Analyze & report sports car trends using β€˜DougScore’ data from the famous @DougDeMuro . Enter πŸ‘‰
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
16 Oct 2023, 08:00
Make more πŸ’° By accurately predicting crypto prices using #AI! That's right! We'll teach you how to use Ocean Predictoor this Wednesday at: ⏰ 3PM UTC | 5 PM CEST | 11 AM EST | 8 AM PST Join Ocean's @trentmc0 on Zoom! Meeting ID: 899 1391 0217
Make more. By accurately predicting crypto prices using #AI. That's right.
Make more πŸ’° By accurately predicting crypto prices using #AI! That's right! We'll teach you how to use Ocean Predictoor this Wednesday at: ⏰ 3PM UTC | 5 PM CEST | 11 AM EST | 8 AM PST Join Ocean's @trentmc0 on Zoom! Meeting ID: 899 1391 0217
Ocean Protocol
Ocean ProtocolOCEAN #2766
16 Oct 2023, 06:00
Gm. Let's kick butt today! πŸ’ͺ
Let's kick butt today.
Gm. Let's kick butt today! πŸ’ͺ